Right, It's been a crazy few months after graduating, now I'm settled in Twyford with some of my best mates from university. We're out of Newport and all starting on our own roads, carving our own little life out of the current financial soup of taxes and belt-tightening. With a new year comes a renewed emphasis on the continuous production of self-directed work. To help convey what sort of stuff we have on our plate, the 4 of us in Twyford all did the Games Design course at Newport, and crave to produce more output, be it modelling, animation, designs, artwork, websites, 2d or 3d games. Our initial intent was 100% a 2d android game, having inherited a game design and assets from the liquidated Dark Rock Games. We started investigating Android SDK and worked out the basic tutorial apps. This is still in the works, but our lack of programming expertise is greatly slowing us down. Gota take my hat of to the other 3 guys here, they have all secured Games Tester jobs at TTG...
A few months ago, I did a little sketch, scanned it and painted it: Then, a band called Nudybronque approached me about using it as the EP cover. Naturally I was thrilled and said yes. They have another CD out soon, so have asked me for another piece of the same 'charater' that the fans have started calling 'Nudy'. Here is a work in progress: The rear is (hopefully) going to be the view from inside the fridge looking out at the Nudy.
We presented last out of 4 in a hot stuffy room, probably the worst time as people's concentration levels are slipping. We had some major technical issues 2 hours before the presentation, in a last minute push to get all 4 character vehicles working, we tried out a load of dts's i had exported the day before. 3 out of 4 worked in a fashion but not well enough to show in our final presentation. the 4th character that i had exported was my character which we had gotten working but drove like a house (the wheel base was too wide). I had re-exported an updated smoother model of it with a smaller wheelbase, but it was the only one that didn't work. We had all 4 characters controllable but mine controlled like a brick and the other 4 had faults like the camera was upside down. we couldn't use either of out 20+ dts exports so were pretty scuppered. we did have a saving grace, a tank-shaped model chris got off the internet that we had been using still showed we could get a cust...
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